In situ conservation actions
- Fencing small plots within all natural populations of Crete
- Monitoring the growth of Z. abelicea and other woody species as well as vegetation changes within fenced plots
- Investigating the effects of abiotic (weather and soil data) and biotic (entomological) factors on the growth of the species
Ex situ conservation actions
- Vegetative propagation of Z. abelicea
- Seed collection, curation, germination of Z. abelicea
- Ex situ plantations
Communication and outreach
- Development of a local project website
- Dissemination of communication material
- Implementation of environmental education and information campaigns (Info- days at schools in the vicinity of natural populations, information events at local villages targeting local communities, installation of information signs and media publicity)
- Presentation of project results-outputs in national and international congresses
Collaborative actions
- Elaboration of an action plan for the management and conservation of Z. abelicea in Crete
- Publication of scientific results